How is the Security of Remote Work Managed Within Teams Or Organizations?


    How is the Security of Remote Work Managed Within Teams Or Organizations?

    In the age of remote work, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern for organizations worldwide. To gain insights on managing these challenges, we turned to cybersecurity professionals, including Privacy Experts and CEOs. They shared five strategies, from implementing Zero Trust and Security Training to mandating encrypted data transfers, to ensure their teams stay secure while working remotely.

    • Implement Zero Trust and Security Training
    • Endpoint Protection and Multi-Factor Authentication
    • Enforce VPN Use and Endpoint Security
    • Mandatory Multi-Factor Authentication
    • Mandate Encrypted Data Transfers

    Implement Zero Trust and Security Training

    Zero trust is the answer to keeping systems safe while allowing remote access. Each employee may access only what is necessary for their role from a machine that belongs to the company and is monitored by the security team. In addition, most breaches happen through phishing. Educating, re-educating, and gamifying security awareness is a must. Employees must constantly have security on their minds. This prevents employees from sharing credentials and networks from being down due to a breach.

    Bill Mann
    Bill MannPrivacy Expert at Cyber Insider, Cyber Insider

    Endpoint Protection and Multi-Factor Authentication

    To manage security features involved in remote work, we implemented a solid endpoint-protection approach that included invasive monitoring practices. That way, it guarantees the safety of external intrusions into the company's work processes, not only for employees with direct authority. Furthermore, we enforced strict authorizations and set up multi-factor authentication to verify access to the company's confidential data, giving access only to company employees. We held seminars to constantly train employees about the possible threats and how to work safely from remote workplaces. This global approach finally gained power over the company's security status and eliminated the threats that come along with remote working.

    Khurram Mir
    Khurram MirFounder and Chief Marketing Officer, Kualitee

    Enforce VPN Use and Endpoint Security

    Utilizing virtual private networks (VPNs) and endpoint security tools strengthened our remote work setup. For Online Solitaire, enforcing VPN usage ensured secure data transmission, while endpoint security monitored and protected devices. This dual approach maintained high-security standards and kept our team's workflow seamless and secure.

    Holger Sindbæk
    Holger SindbækFounder, Online Solitaire

    Mandatory Multi-Factor Authentication

    In today's remote work environment, securing access to company resources is paramount. At, we implemented mandatory Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for all employees. This adds a crucial layer of defense beyond passwords alone. Even if a bad actor obtains a user's login credentials, they'll still be thwarted by the need for a secondary verification step, like a fingerprint scan or a unique code from a hardware token. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access and keeps our valuable data safe.

    But MFA isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. To ensure a truly robust security posture, we opted for a combination of biometric authentication and hardware tokens. Biometrics leverage unique physical characteristics, making them highly secure and convenient for everyday use. Hardware tokens provide an additional layer of protection, especially for remote workers who might be using less secure personal devices. This combined approach ensures a strong defense against unauthorized access attempts, regardless of location or device.

    Jared Flanders
    Jared FlandersFounder & CEO, UCaaS Review

    Mandate Encrypted Data Transfers

    The key measure we've implemented at Tech Advisors to manage the security aspects of remote work is ensuring all data in transit is encrypted. Early in the pandemic, we noticed an increase in unencrypted file sharing among employees working from home. Recognizing the risks, we mandated the use of secure file transfer protocols and VPNs to protect sensitive information from cybercriminals.

    For example, we had a client who was sharing sensitive client data over email without encryption. We introduced them to a secure file-sharing platform and provided training on its use. This safeguarded their data and enhanced their overall cybersecurity posture.

    Businesses must educate employees on the importance of encrypting data in transit to prevent identity fraud, ransomware attacks, and data theft. Regular training sessions and strict security policies can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches in a remote work environment.

    Konrad Martin
    Konrad MartinCEO, Tech Advisors