How Does Proactive Network Monitoring Prevent Potential Security Threats?


    How Does Proactive Network Monitoring Prevent Potential Security Threats?

    When it comes to cybersecurity, the value of proactive network monitoring is exemplified through the experiences of industry veterans, such as a Managing Director who witnessed firsthand how endpoint detection can avert threats. Alongside expert accounts, we've gathered additional answers that highlight the critical role of vigilance in digital defense. From the implementation of real-time alerts for swift action to the strategic reduction of malware risks, here's a spectrum of insights on the impact of proactive monitoring.

    • Endpoint Detection Averts Threats
    • Cloud Environment Threat Mitigation
    • Early Warning Through Traffic Monitoring
    • Continuous Scanning Prevents Exploits
    • Real-Time Alerts Trigger Swift Action
    • Automated Tools Block Suspicious Activity
    • Proactive Steps Reduce Malware Risk

    Endpoint Detection Averts Threats

    We've had great success averting potential security threats at the endpoint level of a network (e.g., computers, mobile devices, servers). Using endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems, we've been able to identify suspicious activity early before it has a chance to take hold of the network.

    Lateral movement across a network can lead to attacks on high-value targets. As soon as we received the alert that suspicious behavior had been detected, we were able to isolate the compromised endpoints from the network.

    Proactive network monitoring is critical to containing the problem before it escalates. Automatic endpoint detection and response systems allow us to monitor and respond to advanced threats continuously.

    Craig Bird
    Craig BirdManaging Director, CloudTech24

    Cloud Environment Threat Mitigation

    In my role, I focus on protecting cloud environments from network-related threats. To achieve this, we ingest millions of data points from VMs daily to analyze open ports, protocols in use, and the nature of the traffic flowing through these ports. By comparing this information with the security baselines, we are able to differentiate between expected and unexpected activity.

    In one particular incident, our ingestion process revealed that an RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) port was open on one of the VMs. To provide some context, RDP is a primary protocol for remote desktop sessions, included with most Windows operating systems and usable with Macs. Many companies rely on RDP to allow their employees to work remotely. Typically, RDP on port 3389 is locked down to specific IP addresses, such as those belonging to the company. However, in this case, I observed that RDP was wide open to anyone on the internet. When RDP is left open, it becomes vulnerable to brute-force or credential-stuffing attacks.

    I immediately opened a Severity-2 Incident with the responsible team and ensured that the port was promptly closed. To further automate this process, the detections from the previous stage are piped to the company’s incident management systems so that any such vulnerabilities are raised immediately with the affected teams on call. This ensures they can take appropriate steps to thwart any network hacks swiftly.

    Siri Varma Vegiraju
    Siri Varma VegirajuSoftware Engineer, Microsoft Corporation

    Early Warning Through Traffic Monitoring

    Proactive network monitoring serves as an early warning system for potential security issues. By keeping an eye on network traffic, it can spot unusual patterns that may signal a breach. When an anomaly is detected, the system immediately sets off alarms, which allows security teams to respond before any significant damage is incurred.

    This response could involve investigating the anomaly, tightening security measures, or even shutting down a compromised network segment. By dealing with threats as soon as they arise, organizations can maintain the integrity of their systems. Stay vigilant and ensure your network monitoring is always active.

    Continuous Scanning Prevents Exploits

    The practice of continuous scanning in proactive network monitoring is crucial for maintaining a secure network. This process systematically checks the network for weak spots that could be exploited by attackers. When a vulnerability is found, it can be addressed quickly, often by applying a software patch.

    This not only fixes the existing weakness but also reinforces the network against future attacks that might leverage the same issue. By routinely identifying and resolving these weak spots, a network can remain a step ahead of potential threats. Regularly assess your network to keep it fortified against attacks.

    Real-Time Alerts Trigger Swift Action

    Real-time alerts are at the heart of proactive network monitoring's ability to prevent security incidents. The moment the monitoring system detects something amiss, it sends out an alert, which prompts an immediate investigation into the nature and scope of the potential threat. Security teams can then quickly implement measures to contain and mitigate the threat, minimizing any potential damage.

    This fast reaction is paramount for stopping attackers in their tracks. Be sure to act on alerts quickly to safeguard your network's security.

    Automated Tools Block Suspicious Activity

    One of the advantages of proactive network monitoring is the deployment of automated tools that operate without delay. These systems are designed to recognize and block suspicious activity as it occurs. For example, if a user attempts to access the network from an unknown location, the system can automatically deny entry or limit access.

    This kind of instantaneous defense is a strong deterrent to cybercriminals who rely on fast exploitation of their targets. Ensure your network employs up-to-date automated defenses for immediate protection.

    Proactive Steps Reduce Malware Risk

    By taking preemptive measures through proactive network monitoring, an organization can significantly reduce the risk of malware infections. The monitoring systems keep constant vigilance, screening for signs of malware and other indicators of compromise. Should a red flag be raised, the security protocols can shut down the attempted intrusion before the malware has a chance to spread or take root.

    These proactive steps are essential for maintaining a clean and secure network environment, free from the disruption and cost of malware remediation. Keep your network's defenses proactive to minimize the threat of malware.